Monday, June 30, 2014

Shades of Happiness

Gina Rockenwagner makes the prettiest quilts. I purchased one of her babies earlier this year but I still want another! I think this one would be lovely hung up on the wall. I love anything that contains hues of the rainbow and this quilt is the epitome of perfection. It's so dreamy ~

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Daily Conversations: Scars

Friend: P., I know you're gonna think I'm stupid but how do use the laundry machines here in Japan? I never did laundry at home and the detergent ball I put in didn't break! Are you suppose to break it before you put it in? 

Me: Are you sure you put it in the laundry machine and not the dryer? 

Friend: Oh… That's why it was a kinda warm when I took it out. 

Me: T., you can't have only pimple scars. You need some I ran away from a tiger in India and still got bitten scars.

(P.S. She goes to Harvard. Our future's bright folks!!)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Looky Looky It's Baguettey

So I was looking on this site that sold really cute things and found out that people make baguette shaped baguette knives!! The only thing was, this site was selling these knives for $54 for the small one and like a billion dollars for the larger one. I seriously contemplated for a good 5 minutes whether I should buy one or not. I really really wanted one so I checked Ebay if someone would be selling it at a much cheaper price and they were! I got a small one for $25 shipping included :)

P.S. I feel like Baguette would be a cute name for a future baby. 

Weekend Goals

I have been in a weird funk for the last couple of days. I've been extra sleepy and extra contemplative about the future and stuff. I'm hoping this weekend I will get to catch up on some chores I left hanging so here's my weekend to-do list:


1. Tidy-up Room
2. Do Laundry
3. Finish Homework
4. Plan My France Trip

I already made my bed which always feel like a big accomplishment. Since it takes up so much space having it all neat and pretty really makes the room feel brighter. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cheer Me Up

I needed something colorful to cheer me up and looking at this photo kinda did it. I was a bit frustrated because it took me a while to get focused and started on one of my papers but I was able to get some done eventually. But it took me 3 hours to actually work up the motivation so thats the downer :/ One of those hours was spent perusing the Supreme Court website oohing and aahing over the plan your visit + job perspective page so I somehow justified that as productive. Also I might've fangirled a little when I saw which seat Justice Sotomayor sits in. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Daily Conversations: Sentimental Goodbye Words

Friend: Can you write a goodbye message on this post it for L., he's going back to Germany.

Me: But I barely talked to him, I don't wanna.

Friend: It doesn't matter, and we need your interesting personality (says it in a compliment-y do it or else sweet scary way)

Me: Fine.

When I hand the note back to her it reads in German:

According to statistics, 
Germans have really big penises. 

In Other News...

The cute guy I messaged replied! Yayyy!!!!!

My jubilation cannot be conveyed through any means of communication. Seriously. I've been on my bed squealing to myself for like the past 30 minutes.

Purty Lights

I found this light fixture on Anthropologie and I'm kind of in love. I don't own a house nor do I have enough money to even pay rent for a small basement of somebody's home in Newark, but I still like looking at pretty things I one day wish to decorate my house with. I'm consumerism at it's finest. 

A Shoecarriage

I found the cutest boots on Anthropologie that I'd been eyeing for a while and for some serendipitous reason they had a pair in my size though it had been out of stock when I checked numerous times before. So I called my mom immediately and asked her my to find my gift card I had left in my drawer next to my bed back home and she complied accordingly, but not before taking a nice long morning piss. And by the time she read me the number for my gift card the shoes were sold out in my size again. 

These were the babies I lost twice. 

This must be what pregnant teens feel like when their parents forced them to get an abortion. Mom I hope that was one good stream of yellow wonder your bladder released to lose my baby over.

(P.S. Mother if you're reading this, I still love you don't worry.)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I Lied I'm Eating Instead

So instead of catching up with my homework I am actually eating chocolate croissants to get myself ready for my trip to France this August and September. I'm not sure how exactly it gets me ready per say but that's the only excuse I could think of. And by the way the chocolate croissant I'm eating is waaaaay less pretty than the one pictured below. 

Shit Just Got Real

Yesterday was not a pretty day with me falling in and out of depression consciousness. But then I realized if I was able to survive this for almost a decade, then I can totally bounce back from one shitty day of depressiontopia. So off to catch up with my unfinished tasks.